Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3-9, 2010

Sunday: Shrimp Penne Pasta
Monday: Ravoli Dinner
Tuesday: Turkey meatloaf
Wednesday: Toasted Ravoli
Thursday: Meatball Sandwiches
Friday: BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Saturday: Turkey Burgers

**I should add that I shopped AFTER dinner on Sunday and did so without a meal plan or a shopping list. It was a complete disaster! I would much rather shop with the kiddos and a list then try to randomly shop. I am not HAPPY with any of the meals this week except maybe the BBQ pork sandwiches. I feel like everything else is thrown together.


  1. how will you be cooking the turkey burgers?? i tried and over-cooked mine. i get them and work and LOVE them!!

  2. Make sure you use a good "moisten-er" I use my George foreman for them as well. Try this:
